An emotionally rich & sincere affair story. The film beautifully relates how sheer blind luck is going to cause the lives of two ordinary persons to be utterly shaken up. Two well-grounded people, both leading a stable and happily married life with their loved partner and children, get thrust into the fever of love & passion. But their unexciting routine is exchanged for rejuvenation & bliss only for a short time. For there is constant tension between the characters’ deep & requited love and the shackles of the society they live in, esp. from a moral perspective. Very interestingly, the movie also depicts the gap between how different social classes experience extra-marital relationships.
心中总有一块狭小却难以撼动的位置留给一个小女孩 她叫观影时光 属于遥远的小神龙俱乐部 单纯的友谊 偶尔的歌曲 美好如孩子眼中的90年代 在还没有小猪佩奇的时代 在还不知道蓝猫和喜羊羊为何物的时代 我们的心中曾被播下这样的种子 好的儿童作品足以影响一个人的一生 越长大 越知道这些作品的优秀